"I’m Laksshya, a 1969 born Indian stepping out of long restrained and even longer delayed entry into the one thing which has been, is and remains the sole passion of my life. That’s singing!! From the tender age of 15, people have cheered me on - for my distinct voice and singing – to be a singer! BUT I finally cut my own song for a real release as late as March 8, THIS YEAR, on Int. Women’s Day, at the age of 50 plus!! What happened in the 35 years in-between you may ask? Exactly!! Everything that can happen to a Woman - as a Wife, a Mother, and an earning partner, that happened! It was the absence of any realistic platform to support passionate, serious artists, and talent, like myself. just because I couldn’t commit my full time, yet! THAT is what happened! But…recognising THAT opportunity is what the foreign Tik-tok and Hello have built their successes on! In invitling the real creative passion of people … and not of just full-time professionals!! So, THAT is my entrepreneurial dream. To harnesses the excellence and fire in true creative passion – within a shared media platform – and give power and support to creative singers, performers, writers, artists, etc., at all levels possible! After 30 years in media and corporates, I’ve finally started! With myself as my first experiment. And am overjoyed to report a 75,000+ views already, as I write this out. And increasing numbers every hour! I and my very creative and supporting husband who is helping me on every step of this journey are already in conversation with others!And now, with this opportunity here, at this WOMENNOVATOR podium, I do declare my belief that: Nothing can stop me now!