Womennovator CMA Shilpa Banerjee
February 13, 2021Womennovator Prachi khandelwal
February 13, 2021
A mother, of a 9 year old boy, who took a plunge into
entrepreneurship from Corporate HR only to
experience things hands-on and fuel my passion on
healthy cooking to start with. Things started building
on it later. The journey called Recipe Dabba (RD)
which now focusses around empowering young kids
with healthy and holistic food choice through various
online & school programs, started to build up in 2014
and finally found a shape to run as a business in 2017.
While healthy eating has always been RD’s prime focus
it works in promoting both healthy eating and overall
wellness together for young kids, making the
upcoming generation finer and stronger!
Professionally I work with schools, activity centres ,
communities and parents to reach out to kids between
2.5 to 12 years , hence educating them about right
eating habits and heathy food choices. Over the couple
of years since RD has begun we have catered over
2000 + kids through various online and offline
interventions. All the programs aiming towards
empowering kids with healthy food choices.
I am also passionate about supporting women find
their own choices and strike a balance between career
& family. Mentored women from the community who
are looking for career comebacks to find a place
where they love working.
Happiness for me is touching lives with my personal
experience, be it second career, making healthy
choices or re-skilling